Executive Council:

After the signing of Membership Agreement, an Executive Council (EC) will be formed which will be the highest body to oversee the UDL activities. The membership of EC will include:

  1. Chair: The Chairman, UGC Bangladesh;
  2. All UGC members;
  3. All VCs from participating public and private universities;
  4. Project Director, HEQEP (for the project period)
  5. A representative from Associate membership category (UGC will set out the criteria for such membership);
  6. An expert in information Science /Library Management nominated by the UGC; and a  Treasurer to be appointed by the EC and
  7. A Member-Secretary to be appointed by the EC.


Coordinating Committee:

A Coordinating Committee (CC) for the proposed UGC Digital Library (UDL) representatives from major universities in Dhaka. The current Coordinating Committee (CC) consists of following members:

  1. A UGC Member, Convener;
  2. Project Director, HEQE, Member (for the project period);
  3. Representatives from DU, BSMMU, BUET, JU, SBAU and NSU;
  4. An expert in Information Science /Library Management;
  5. A representative from Bangladesh Computer Council;
  6. A BdREN Network Engineer; and
  7. Senior Procurement officer, HEQEP, as Member-secretary (for the project period).


Negotiation Committee:

A Negotiation committee (NC) has been formed by the CC for setting up trial access and negotiating the lowest possible rates of subscription with publisher or its agents. The subscription prices negotiated by the NC must be placed before the CC in its meetings for approval. The final decision on subscription will be made by the EC.